Vibration Monitoring
Underground vibration can be a significant by-product of construction activities such as compaction, caisson wall shaving, excavation, pile driving and heavy equipment use on site. Vibration due to construction activities can cause damage to adjacent structures.
We provide both vibration monitoring and zone of influence reports. These are typically needed during installation of shoring, excavation, and other construction activities in the City of Toronto.
Our vibration monitoring provides a fully comprehensive vibration report to understand the surrounding building vibrations and adherence to by-law requirements. Our team is trained to relate the monitoring to the current site construction activities.
Our wireless monitoring is typically setup in the area of greatest concern and monitors vibrations throughout the day. Our wireless monitoring issues a warning alert (via email) that informs InGeo Design and the Site Supervisor if they have exceeded a maximum allowable level. In addition, a weekly summary report is provided to the Site Supervisor and other parties with a summary of the on-site events.
Sample of our plot and setup from our vibration monitor:

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